Cash Control

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  3. Cash Control

The purpose of the Cash Control Bureau is to prepare accurate and timely statewide cash and investment reconciliations. Cash and investment reconciliation is a critical internal control function that assists the State in determining the amount of resources that are available to be spent. The Bureau’s functions include:

  • Performing monthly reconciliations with the balances and accounts kept by the state treasurer pursuant to Section 6-5-2.1.J. NMSA 1978.
  • Adopting and promulgating rules regarding reconciliation for state agencies pursuant to Section 6-5-2.1.J. NMSA 1978.
  • Identifying and resolving discrepancies between the cash and investment balances recorded in the SHARE (Statewide Human Resources, Accounting, and Management Reporting) System general ledger at a point in time and the balance according to the bank as of the same point in time.
  • Establishing internal control procedures to safeguard the State’s cash and investment assets, prevent bank overdrafts, and ensure that SHARE general ledger cash and investment balances are accurate.
Staff Job Title Phone No.
Heather Kent Cash Control Manager
Annie Knight Cash Control Specialist 505-695-3861
Shalisha Bishop Cash Control Specialist 505-695-3852
Zachary Jackson Cash Control Specialist 505-476-8533


Training Materials File Type
Cash Control 101 How to Work a Deposit PPTX
Resources File Type
Authority to Issue Warrants for FY2025 Reminder Memo PDF
Authority to Issue Warrants Form FY2025 DOCX